Bacteria Free Personal Care Products

Germs Free Personal Care Products

Keep your daily life free from microbes

Toothbrush, Chopping Board, Gym Mats, and many similar articles of everyday usage capture harmful bacteria with the passage of time.

The unique AgSterilized technology can be incorporated into the material of these articles to render it completely hygienic and odor free. AgSterilized technology promises you good health and complete happiness.

Antimicrobial Soaps and Handwash

Experts have revealed that use of normal antibacterial cleansers not effective against most of the disease causing microbes. But soaps and handwash impregnated with silver nanotechnology protect you from various diseases including K. pneumonia, E. coli, MRSA etc.

Germ-Free Cosmetic Formula

Cosmetic articles tend to capture germ very easily. These contaminated cosmetics when come in contact with the skin, causes infection, rashes, pimples and blemishes.

Silver nanotechnology formula prevents pimples and rashes. AgSterilized treated moisturizers, sunscreens; antiageing creams give you a unique bacteria free cosmetic formula.

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